
And..i’ll fully understand why if you guys are all mad/frustrated with me and don’t want to talk, either now or whenever later. I promise it’s fine, whatever you guys choose to think or do in response to...all this. Like I said, I’m not really in a position to think otherwise. And I can control what I say by saying what’s blatantly true, but I can’t control what you guys might believe. What you believe is up to you.
          But it’s okay if I hope that you guys believe I’m (at the very least) being genuine, right?
          And that I also hope either one of you get in touch with me someday so we can get things on an okay note before whenever it may be that we talk again? on more solid terms???
          I love all of you (you (your jokes and everything) jink (miss you both as you and as sonikku) maraca (miss chatting with him about the things he likes, #bandanadee) , spooky (tell him i miss insulting him no jk i do miss him) lfan (nearly wrote lfna agaIN WHAT THE HECK; i miss racing on/chatting about sfsb with him), shad (for all his shadow-based everything and being funny and nice), mayaya (miss her art, tell her to keep drawing), silvy (my doppelganger; stop it), everyone else because it’s honesty a really long list), miss you, hope you’re doing great, miss you, aldoxjaifwa
          aequus, arquus, ayyquwus, arkanthaea, arkanodor, arkaiko, sonilver, jinkquus, jilvarquus, darkquus, backquus, stop-pulling-an-aequus, pothead, lantern pothead (spooky knows what i mean (if he remembers?????)), what else even is there


A few days after that was when I remembered how you used to write the jinkquus stories on wattpad, and jink the sonilver rp. (im disappointed that it took me that long to remember that; also i promise i wasn’t trying to be some creepy stalker, istg)
          So I found the two of you, and I’ve already sent two messages to jink explaining some stuff simply (by that i mean less in detail than this).
          That’s the first part cleared up. The second part being my conclusion.
          I’ve thought hard about this, and this is gonna be really hard for me, but...i think im gonna cut communications entirely (for now anyway). heAR ME OUT TJOUFH
          It really hurts me to not be able to talk to you guys, and that’s just plain truth (well but so is sll of tjis).
          However, to me what hurts more is the way I kept constantly going behind my family’s back despite them giving me new chances. I don’t want to keep hurting them, and I don’t want to risk hurting either party (you guys & family) even more than I already have due to my selfishness and self-centeredness regarding....all this.
          Do you get what I’m trying to say?
          I loved all the time I spent with you guys; I don’t regret a moment of it. What I DO regret is the methods I used to spend time with you. It was despicable of me. Better late than never, right? To change for the better, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now?


You might realize by the username who this is, but, uh...hey Dark.
          It’s me, Aequus.
          I have a lot of things that I need to tell you guys.
          For starters, my disappearance (again). I told you school wifi blocked discord, right? Well, after some time, lte stopped working, too. It was constantly the “olease confirm tjat you aren’t a bot” thing and even if I got it all right, it never let me sign in. It took a while to be able to get to one other location that I had signed into discord using its wifi, but that didn’t work either.
          Basically, I was unable to get in touch with you guys.
          That is, until I remembered Ruby, and that she probably (hopefully) had someone in our friend group still friended. And she did; Maraca was still there. So I talked to him briefly (i was in pe class and she wanted her phone back) and i asked him to relay a message to youguys and then maybe get back to me through her?
          Whatever the reason, he never did, and I don’t blame him (and if i’m being really honest, i don’t think i can blame him??? like im not in a position to do that??????)
          So, that was a fail.