
 Ayo ce m-a lovit nostalgia,,, Is anyone even using wattpad anymore at this point? Are yall still alive guys? 


@Dark_iplierrrr De trăit încă trăim, BUT F*CK WATTPAD, BRO! Am divorțat de aplicația asta de mult timp.


Cumva sunt singura care s-a gasit tocmai acum sa se uite la seriale din 2005....?
          Anyway, cine se uita la Doctor Who si Supernatural cu mine? :3


@-Cxrol- Make it last forever, friendship never ends =")


@Dark_iplierrrr suntem in aceeasi oala, eo ascult melodii de acum 10 ani :') 
            If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends~ 


Hello toata lumea! A trecut ceva vreme, nu? Eh, ce sa si faci qwq;
          Am revenit sa va anunt ca desi nu stiu ce vreau sa ma fac cu viata mea, o sa refac acest cont in ceva ce era o data. Sau cel putin o sa incerc.
          Vreau sa ma reconectez cu voi.
          Asa ca da, cel mai probabil nu o sa imi mai irosesc timpul facand conturi noi cand pot sa continui pe asta.
          Cel mai probabil voi reposta si cateva din cartile mele vechi
          Asa ca da, raspanditi vestea copii mei, Milano/Dark/Claudia sau cum naiba vreti sa imi ziceti, s-a intors =")


I'm back..? ;-;


@ supersized_mcshizzIe  Mdap uwu


@ AnonimulCelebru9  YAAAA! >:3


Hey, Milano here
          I noticed that I say a lot that I will come back but I don't and that my interests for wattpad are gone. 
          So, I decided to take a break and to start a new account with a new artbook, new parody book and others when I will feel confident.
          I will delete all my books and I will leave. That's the only option.
          Wattpad made me the happiest person because I could talk to new people and even make some special friends I don't want to lose. But, self-confidence is a little big problem.
          Don't worry, I will come back. Maybe on this account, maybe on a new one. And you can still talk to me on instagram on @dark_milano_
          Everyone, good bye. I'll miss you..


@Dark_iplierrrr ;;-;; did you already make the new account, or you're going to make it later? ,-, 
            lol sorry for asking, i'm just a bit too curious :-: 