
Hello Everyone!
          	Well, I just got free from my exam and now I'll be able to write again. Thank you all for waiting for me this long, I'm truly grateful to y'all..!!!
          	I am embarassed to say this but I think I'll need few more days to start writing and uploading again as I've become hella sick rn. But trust me, I'm going to start uploading as soon as I recover (well I'm nervous as well as excited to resume my books).
          	So, let's meet after a week, maybe I'll even come up with next chapter or even a new book.. who knows?!! (১)
          	Do y'all want a new book with some badass characters and a badass story? Lemme know your thoughts and also tell me if you want any add up or changes im STALKER as I've no idea what y'all are hoping for. Like should I add some romance or thrill or whatever or want me to make it fast or slow just tell me briefly. Honestly even I'm battling with thoughts on what should i write further, I'll need a bit time to get blasting ideas. But don't worry imma fix my things within weeks so just be ready to enjoy my service. 


@DarkSideFFs are U for real am reading Ur books again and again and if U will update am gonna give you a kiss  Love U Babe be healthy and happy alway


@DarkSideFFs Take care.Take rest and we will wait for your new book.keep going(⁠๑⁠♡⁠⌓⁠♡⁠๑⁠)


Hello Everyone!
          Well, I just got free from my exam and now I'll be able to write again. Thank you all for waiting for me this long, I'm truly grateful to y'all..!!!
          I am embarassed to say this but I think I'll need few more days to start writing and uploading again as I've become hella sick rn. But trust me, I'm going to start uploading as soon as I recover (well I'm nervous as well as excited to resume my books).
          So, let's meet after a week, maybe I'll even come up with next chapter or even a new book.. who knows?!! (১)
          Do y'all want a new book with some badass characters and a badass story? Lemme know your thoughts and also tell me if you want any add up or changes im STALKER as I've no idea what y'all are hoping for. Like should I add some romance or thrill or whatever or want me to make it fast or slow just tell me briefly. Honestly even I'm battling with thoughts on what should i write further, I'll need a bit time to get blasting ideas. But don't worry imma fix my things within weeks so just be ready to enjoy my service. 


@DarkSideFFs are U for real am reading Ur books again and again and if U will update am gonna give you a kiss  Love U Babe be healthy and happy alway


@DarkSideFFs Take care.Take rest and we will wait for your new book.keep going(⁠๑⁠♡⁠⌓⁠♡⁠๑⁠)


          I seriously miss writing TT gonna have a blasting comeback with something unexpected after 30 days...the countdown begins~


@DarkSideFFs sobs I,ll be happy with ur comeback 


@DarkSideFFs It was all worth the shot!! *satisfied smile*


Just a little reminder for my lovely bookworms (and my wattpad family *wink*) that I'm alive and breathing lol. 
          There are some new readers added in our little family i guess, who are wondering if I abandoned my book...So, NO! I'm gonna start writing again and give regular updates after my exam. Until then, please cooperate with your busy author a little haha.
          There's a lot of study stress on my head but I'm trying my best. *sigh*
          Keep hustling everyone!!!!!!
          Have a good day/night ahead!!


@DarkSideFFs Focus on your study and take care yourself.Good night 


          First of all, I apologize for my long absence! I've been working hard for my exam and totally invested in the studies, which is within 1 and half month. I hope you will wait for me a little longer. I want to start by asking how you are all doing. I hope you all are doing well with your health as well as study. Many readers might have annual exams or their boards or graduation terminals, I wish you all All The Best guys! Study hard!!! Life can be tough at times, and I want you to know that I'm here for you. Please don't give up, no matter how hard things seem. You are stronger than you think. I also want to remind you of the importance of happiness. Even in the darkest of times, there is always something to be grateful for. Find joy in the little things, and it will help you get through the tough times. Stay strong, everyone. I hope this small message find you well.  
          With love, Your Author.❤️


@DarkSideFFs I am good hope you are doing fine and all the best for your exams dear


@DarkSideFFs thanks brother! All the best for exams!! Fighting!!✊


          That guy making fake nudes has too many accounts, HE IS NOT KOREAN BUT INDIAN. Yes, I'm sure he's Indian because in his new account, the guy is different and the profile looks like it's that guy only. 
          HIS SNAPCHAT ACCOUNT I'D IS 'minsuk249344'. PLEASE REPORT IT THE SAME WAY YOU DID EARLIER. I can't explain how bad things are but when we know that everything is fake we're trying to stay calm, but that bastard needs a lesson or he won't stop. PLEASE REPORT HIM FOR NUDITY AND SEXUALITY. PLEASE!!!
          minsuk249344 please report him and block him...even report other kim jun named acc


@DarkSideFFs oyy to parat tila text karayla kaa??


@fmayblossom minsuk249344 please report him, he is the same guy


          I don't know if that guy changed his username or he really got banned, but YES!! OUR UNITY PAYED OFF AND HIS ACCOUNT GOT BANNED AND DELETED PERMANENTLY!!
          I'm very happy and thankful to everyone who got involved in this matter and helped us to report his account. Thank you so much girls, you all really did a good job punishing that bloody rascal. I hope this will cause him a big loss and every girl trapped in his dirty game gets free now. I really hope our each girl is safe from him now and also be safe in the future. 
          Please girls it's my humble request to you all that DON'T GET TRAPPED IN SWEET TALKS OF STRANGERS just because they look very sweet and innocent to you. Especially the korean guys out there on social media platforms.
          Not everyone is same but also not everyone is good and kind really. So please be aware and if you ever faced anyting like this in future or you still facing it then just take the screenshots of the particular chat and block and report those jerks right away. DO NOT SHARE YOUR FACE AND REAL NAME with anyone out there. Your safety is in your hands, so stay safe and aware.
          P.S.- If you need help then ASK ME whenever you want, I'll help you and other Authors will too. Don't get scared of them and ask for help.


@DarkSideFFs Thank god! I just feel good now. Take care both of you!!


@DarkSideFFs (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤