
So I ended up republishing chapters for the story. In case you all want to read it :) It is indeed a reboot, but not as big as the last one, this one is mostly to add backstory and a proper youth arc, instead of the few chapters it had last time.
          	That way I can better explain the main characters' personalities.


So I ended up republishing chapters for the story. In case you all want to read it :) It is indeed a reboot, but not as big as the last one, this one is mostly to add backstory and a proper youth arc, instead of the few chapters it had last time.
          That way I can better explain the main characters' personalities.


Well now, that was a purreeeeeetty big hiatus. So, stuff happened, things in my country got wild, my life was kinda going on lowhigh rollercoasters and for quite a while I wasn't really doing much. For about a year I just went ahead and tried drinking my problems away. I do enjoy drinking but I was going a bit overboard with it to numb my brain even if for a few minutes and forget everything that was happening.
          Since things in my country got wild, I ended up getting out of the country, and in the month I've been out lots of things have hit me, like me not advancing towards what I wanna do, me ditching a lot of stuff, so, y'know, I wanna re-take everything and start working on it.
          So I will un-publish my story and start publishing it once again, with a goal in mind of a chapter per week, I will also take up on pixel art designing, since I bought a graphic tablet quite a while ago (like a year approx) and I haven't used it much, with a few drawings as a goal each week and things like that. 
          So I will do the un-publish and publish back again today and start working on a new chapter. Since chapter 3 was already finished back in the day, I'll just go ahead and publish that as well, so that'll be 3 chapters in a row. That's pretty much it. Thanks for bearing with the announcement and look forward to a more active me.  
          tl;dr I wanna get my s**t together and so I'm back and will take a more active publishing standard.


Hello @pmgbove , I just wanted to say a huge thank you for voting on my story (Pandorica. The Creation) It means an awful lot to me and I'm so sorry that I never replied sooner. I hope that you'll continue to vote for other stories on Wattpad as it makes every author's day (even if some of them don't reply). All the best and feel free to message me whenever, JVSavill xx


@JVSavill No problem, I'll be reading it slowly though, cause work and college. And thanks! I hope you enjoy it once you start :D


@pmgbove, thank you for voting on my book again. It's very motivating to know that you're still reading :P I've just added your book to my reading list too because it looks really cool :)


@JVSavill No problem! And it's alright, don't worry about it. I will keep voting on the stories I read, since in the end it's motivating when you know people are reading your story. And alright, I'll keep that in mind!


In the end the editting proved to be massive, more so than I even imagined. So this will be a re-publishing in the end. I'll be uploading chapters as I finish editting them. I apologize for the inconveniences and hope you enjoy the new narrative style(That's what I'm mostly editting. Polishing the narrative).


I'm going to be doing some heavy editting on Cries soon (Mostly structure editting). I'll be posting chapter 18 soon as well (probably one of these days), since I'm doing the editting along with the writing of chapter 18. Nothing major is going to be changed though (Some rephrasing here and there, and the structure editting). If all goes well, Chapter 18 should be out by friday or before, and editting should be done by friday as well.


@pmgbove Hey, thank you so very much for the follow; it means a lot to me :) Also thanks for all your help earlier with my villain dilemma; your advice was amazing and much appreciated :D


Sure will :) Haha, no worries :P Grammar is one of my fortes so I'll be more than happy to help you out there ;)


@JVSavill You're welcome! If you need help with anything feel free to ask me... Except grammar, I'm not a native english speaker and even after a few years I'm still trying to improve it.