
I know I said I was going to post, but so much has happened in a couple of months. My ipad got busted so all my drawings are still being recovered, I changed my career :'v and to top it off, the chapter that was ready to publish had some wrong information that I had to verify with people actually following the Mexica religion and after talking with them I came to the conclusion that I had to rewrite half of the chapter so there's that. 
          	Hopefully in a week I'll be able to post the next charger


¡Solo quería hacer una traducción! ¿Acaso es demasiado pedir? *Vuelve a llorar*


@__ItsRaptor-wtf gracias a ti por leer, lo aprecio bastante ^^


@DarinkaCano12  mil gracias :D prometo darte los créditos correspondientes. Gracias otra vez y me gustó mucho tu obra ;)


@__ItsRaptor-wtf ayer lo vi y no sabía que responder jajaja adelante no tengo problema con tal de que menciones mi nombre y no esté categorizado como obra original :) 


I know I said I was going to post, but so much has happened in a couple of months. My ipad got busted so all my drawings are still being recovered, I changed my career :'v and to top it off, the chapter that was ready to publish had some wrong information that I had to verify with people actually following the Mexica religion and after talking with them I came to the conclusion that I had to rewrite half of the chapter so there's that. 
          Hopefully in a week I'll be able to post the next charger


Estuve ocupada estas dos semanas y no había podido actualizar Itzmin, así que por la espera  hoy lunes al rato publico otro capítulo en español, también en mi Instagram subí dos dibujos de los siguientes capítulos (10 y 11 porque son los dibujos de los capítulos en inglés)


I’m back! I had a terrible writer’s block and couldn’t even write a chapter but now it’s all good and I’m ready to continue with the story of Itzmin. The drawings are the ones that take me longer but I’ll try to post a chapter soon ^^