
Long time no see guys! Just letting you know I’m rewriting WCIIOD, fixing all the spelling and grammar mistakes!
          	I’m also working on a new Naruto fan fiction. I’ve written the first few chapters. Was Wondering if you guys wanted me to post them right now or wait till I’ve written a few more?


Hello I am a fan And I love your book who cares if I am orochimarus daughter  I also am A fellow Hatake And Am a god I am Also pretty lazy Now See ya later  hope to talk to you another time and please reply if you have time I don't really have much except dealing with you-san and suki


Hey darci I'm a fan I've read your who cares if im orochimarus daughter fanfic it seems really good I'm about 4 parts in and you seem like your good at naruto fanfics I was wonder omg if you would want to read a story I wrote I'm not finished I wrote about three parts and I'm working on more it's called child of the akatsuki I just wanted to let you know I love your stories


Long time no see guys! Just letting you know I’m rewriting WCIIOD, fixing all the spelling and grammar mistakes!
          I’m also working on a new Naruto fan fiction. I’ve written the first few chapters. Was Wondering if you guys wanted me to post them right now or wait till I’ve written a few more?


Hey I loves your story "Who Cares if I'm Orochimaru's daughter"! I think it was really grate and well written!!  


@Jade_Winchester13 Thank you so much!! ^_^