
Hi Pollos family! As promised, we're back. Maybe not still 100% but we are. And to prove it, here's the new chapter of Lost Kindred, ready for you!
          	We're going to publish it all, and then more! Book three is under re-writing but it's going quite well in my recovery, so share the love and, if you still haven't, give a chance to Strange Aeons to dive in the Pollos' Universe!
          	Lots of Love


Hi Pollos family! As promised, we're back. Maybe not still 100% but we are. And to prove it, here's the new chapter of Lost Kindred, ready for you!
          We're going to publish it all, and then more! Book three is under re-writing but it's going quite well in my recovery, so share the love and, if you still haven't, give a chance to Strange Aeons to dive in the Pollos' Universe!
          Lots of Love


Hi everyone!
          Ok, this will be difficult, in a way.
          First of all, sorry for the long absence. I had a very bad mental breakdown, with COVID-related problems (I'm fine and well, and all my dear ones as well, don't worry) and I had to seek help. That led to me basically not having any kind of online contacts or relations for several months. 
          I said to the other Daniels to say something, but they apparently completely forgot. We talked about this, they're sorry, all's well with them as well.
          I want to say sorry to all the people I got to know and suddenly had no more news from me, but it had been a truly hard time and I literally had no access to online stuff at all, in order to get better I had to almost completely unplug.
          I'm better now, and soon I hope to be back full speed, complete the books and start the new one. I am also completely rewriting Book Three as part of my personal therapy, so, we'll see how this goes.
          Again, terribly sorry for the disappearance, folks. Be sure I missed you all quite a lot, and hope you can forgive me. Can't wait to hear from y'all and go back to read.
          Lots and Lots of Love
          Daniel (all of them, even the very forgetful ones)


@DanielMcFate It's always delightful to hear from you, even if it's just little status updates. You're in my thoughts and I still sing your praises around the server! Very glad to know that things are starting to look up for you, even if its just a little. I hope the new year brings new life and new things to hope for, and as always, we're looking forward to having you back.
            Ad Victoriam!


❤ glad to hear you are doing better


I’m so glad to hear you’re doing well now. I hope things continue to improve. Can’t wait to see what you do next! ❤️


Hi Pollos Family, and... it seems we did it again! Wattpad Daniel is incredibly sorry, and we'll try to keep it up at the old rhythm from now on, hoping this summer doesn't get any worse.
          So, here's a new chapter of Lost Kindred.
          And thank you, for being here for us always, fam! We missed you!


@ Geegervy  me too damn It! Have to go on reading asap!!!


@ NotAnerioDeorma  I miss you an awful lot you know? Hope to be able to open discord soon! Bring my love to everyone!


@DanielMcFate  I suppose doing well may be presumptuous. You're doing, and that is well!


Hi Pollos family!
          we would like to start to say: we're sorry for the disappearance. Our writer [Wattpad Daniel] has hit a bad case of depression and hasn't been able to either write or manage here. Luckily, now things seems to be starting to be a little better and so... here we are with the new Lost Kindred chapter!
          And we'll resume reading everywhing we left behind!
          We missed you all, thanks for still being here with us!


I hope things improve for you, Daniel. You're a fantastic individual. I'm proud that I've had the opportunity to pick your brain on the writing art-form. May your future be brighter than the present. Stay safe out there. 


Hi Pollos Family!
          The new episode of the Peacock Show and we're featured in their best favorite ONCs III. Even if we didn't pass to phase 2, we're still honored - and we're going to finish it anyway, even if we're giving the third book of the Saga's editing a tad more priority.
          But, please, come and read this new Issue because, as always, they rocked!


Hi Pollos Family!
          It's a real good result and we are all overjoyed for you all to be here!
          So, here's what you get:
          - A new chapter of LOST KINDRED, fresh fresh fresh
          - A GREAT UPDATE of the CAST AND CREW book with a new cover, new characters cast reveals and THE CHARACTERS CHOSEN THEMES
          - NEW COVERS FOR EVERYONE except from Vice Disguised, we're still working on that one!
          AND ALSO: we want to celebrate this milestone with something. So, we decided that YOU get to ask something about ANY character in STRANGE AEONS or LOST KINDRED and we WILL ANSWER!
          Go go go then!


Hi, Pollos family!
          For starters: STRANGE AEONS WON A WATTPAD NOBEL PRIZE! In the Supernatural Section! We are so SO incredibly happy about this! So, many many thanks to @where_stars_live for their award, and we are so happy for all the other winners, too!


Omg congrats! ❤️


@DanielMcFate wow, congratulations~!!!