
Hello everyone, I am unfollowing a lot of people, not for personal reasons, but simply because I have _too many notifications on my feed_. If I unfollowed you but you still want to connect with me, feel free to message me; my DMs are always open. Just keep in mind that I still might not follow you back. Again, it’s nothing personal, I just have way too many notifications.


Hello everyone, I am unfollowing a lot of people, not for personal reasons, but simply because I have _too many notifications on my feed_. If I unfollowed you but you still want to connect with me, feel free to message me; my DMs are always open. Just keep in mind that I still might not follow you back. Again, it’s nothing personal, I just have way too many notifications.


Does anyone know how the Wattpad algorithm works? Because I want to get more readers, but I haven’t been very successful at that.


@Danera_ng Check out Cracking The Wattpad Code. It was written in like 2015 so it's a little outdated but it offers some much-needed insight.


@Danera_ng I am not sure about the algorithms but the more you interact with somebody else's stories the more likely the authors you check out will also check out your writings.


You are the coolest for knowing what limerence means. Hardly anyone I know uses that word to describe a feeling. That was what compelled me to read "Elliot". Well done.
          Also, you like scuba diving and ice climbing? That's great! I can't dive because my cochlear implant wouldn't allow me to be under so much water pressure but I've wanted to climb ice, not that I have any where I was originally from. Interesting profile you've got here.


Thanks (: 
            (I don’t want to sound curt, but I don’t know what else to say).