
@Sceritz haha same! So excited.. And I know I'm so ready to get back to reading that lovely story of yours! Ugh and the updating thing?! Don't even get me started... Atleast you have more than three chapters out! Haha(;


Hey!  Doing some editing?


Sure am! I'm SO EXCITED to get back into writing. I literally haven't even gone near the computer in months I've been so busy... I think not writing is actually effecting my mood hah. I really wanna get back into reading your story too!!! How have you been?(:


@Sceritz Yeah I know hah. I haven't had any time to really update or anything and I wish I could! I miss writing so much, but my plate is so full it's crazy. You're right though. I do write for myself, but I'm a people pleaser what can I say. I live to make people happy! Thank you for giving me that reminder though, it means a lot. I was getting a little discouraged by the lack of reads, but I need to get over it! It's my story, right?(: Congrats on the baby by the way! Hope everything's going well. And I'm gonna check out TSW as soon as I can! Thanks for being here for me, man. :)


@Dancingbymyself Hey there!  Something I wanted to mention.  Make sure when you write you are writing for yourself and not for the folks here (such as saying when you get to a certain number of reads you'll update), that way you'll have a fiery motivation regardless of what people think on this site... most folks on this site aren't genuine anyways so don't get hung up on it.  Write the story because you love it!  Because you love to write :P  Cheers!  And looking forward to your update!