
Hey everyone! I'm just posting this to say that my dms on here are broken and have probably been broken for a while. I'm not sure how long, but I can't access any of them. If you want to message me, you can do it here, or on my tumblr which is 'danceworshipper'. I apologize if you sent a message and thought I was ignoring you!


Hey everyone! I'm just posting this to say that my dms on here are broken and have probably been broken for a while. I'm not sure how long, but I can't access any of them. If you want to message me, you can do it here, or on my tumblr which is 'danceworshipper'. I apologize if you sent a message and thought I was ignoring you!


          I'm writing a linny/pansmione fanfic and I was wondering if you could help me in any way? Constructive criticism and  simple ideas would me nice!


Sure! You can direct message me if you'd like :)


In Disowned, Draco has a magic flute. Can I borrow this idea for one of my fics?


Oh yeah sure! Magic instruments are always fun to play around with


Hey everyone so apparently Wattpad is crapping itself because my Disowned story is completely gone. Apparently this is a "known issue" and they're "working on it" but I doubt it'll be back any time soon. I have no backup. I can do nothing. Pray for me


Is it the Drarry & Pansmione story?


Oof. I don't honestly know. I've been so distracted by getting ready for college that I haven't spent much time writing. Don't worry either, I totally understand the feeling when a fic hasn't been uploaded in a while. I'm not giving up on Accepted, just taking a short break I suppose. I'll try and get on it. Thank you for reminding me!