
Heyya, sorry for the updates, I'm having my finals for this semester right now actually, forgot to mention it to you all. 
          	I'll be done by the 23, so please bear with me, I have a few chapters that have already been drafted too, so I guess 5 updated chapters on that week will be payback for the sudden silence. 
          	Any who, I have got to go back to studying, peace!


@ Damaine334  That's okay, take time to rest and good luck for your studying.


Just asking When the Into The Multiverse going to be update you havet update it almost 3 Year ago(if you count in 4 or 5 months Later it will be 3 Year) (no offance)


@TerryleeTerrylee Yeah, I'm thinking of rebooting the series due to how badly it was written (I focused on the self-indulgent more than the plot to be honest), but I have enough stories on my plate (And another one coming, you didn't hear it from me), so it would be a long time before I reboot it.


Heyya, sorry for the updates, I'm having my finals for this semester right now actually, forgot to mention it to you all. 
          I'll be done by the 23, so please bear with me, I have a few chapters that have already been drafted too, so I guess 5 updated chapters on that week will be payback for the sudden silence. 
          Any who, I have got to go back to studying, peace!


@ Damaine334  That's okay, take time to rest and good luck for your studying.


this message may be offensive
hey bro i've read your mha fanfic in wn and to be honest with you it's disappointing your grammar is good the pacing is great but why the hell did Gohru suddenly move to villa/mansion did he just forget about the orphanage or he just doesn't give a fuck


@FuckimgSimp No, he remembers about the orphanage. In fact, he monthly donates to it, and whenever he has some free time he'll visit it, it's going to be mentioned in the next arc (Stain Arc).


Do you plan on updating the kalied liner book


@SinOfWrath5 I plan to, but not right now. Maybe in a few months time, I'm not sure, but it will be rebooted (Since I changed my writing style) by this year.


I mean it’s number 6 in emiyashirou so people are clearly reading it


Please if u can update into the multiverse


@Hellninja6667 well, to tell you the truth, into the multiverse was my first every fic that I committed, and boy was it horrible. 
            The pacing was horrible, I hated the Damian was written, and the Gamer aspect was terrible to even plan and balance out. 
            So I think I'll most likely rewrite it after my projects are fully done. Sorry if this made you feel bad.


Are you planning on rebooting/rewriting your magus as a schnee book?


Ehhh, didn’t really plan that yet, so I’m not sure. Also, I wan kinda addicted to “OP MC” back in the day, so if I ever reboot it then the power level scaling will unfortunately change a little. 