
Don't you just hate when you're trying to sleep and your brain just remembers something embarrassing? Yeah me too.


@DamItAllToHell or a fight I got into and what I could have said instead 


Don't you just hate when you're trying to sleep and your brain just remembers something embarrassing? Yeah me too.


@DamItAllToHell or a fight I got into and what I could have said instead 


I promise I'm alive! I've just had a lot going on and I promise I'll update soon, I just need a little more time. My younger siblings found my tablet in my room (long story short I'm not allowed to have it in my room and I have very strict parents) and right now I can't read or post until I get it back (this is my sisters laptop and she only let me borrow it to post this to let y'all know I'm not dead)


Totally fine waiting! I totally get that strict parents thing, mine are the same way, except it’s how long your on electronics.. so annoying 