
Happy Monday! 
          	Due to working on the new novel, S E P A R A T E D, with my partner, I haven’t written much of my other novels. However, you can expect a few chapter of S E P A R A T E D to go up today, and I will do my best to write a little bit of some of the other works I have up! 
          	Happy reading and writing. 


Happy Monday! 
          Due to working on the new novel, S E P A R A T E D, with my partner, I haven’t written much of my other novels. However, you can expect a few chapter of S E P A R A T E D to go up today, and I will do my best to write a little bit of some of the other works I have up! 
          Happy reading and writing. 


After looking through my schedule and the works I currently have up on WattPad, I am going to go through and upload chapters of each work every Monday! Each novel will be getting at least one chapter be it my collabs I'm working on go correctly as we all have busy lives! If I do miss a Monday, it will most defintely be made up for on the following Monday! 
          Stay tuned, and happy reading! Don't forget to vote for chapters as you read!