
Should I starting writing again?
          	What do you think?
          	It's been hard to balance both this and school, but now that the break is almost here, I think it could be fun to start writing again.
          	So what is something that you guys would like to read? Make it as wild as you want. XD
          	And do you like romance novels, friends novels (idk if this is even  a genre but it needs to be... w/o it having to be drama), dramas, or adventure? There are others so you can add those too if you want.


Should I starting writing again?
          What do you think?
          It's been hard to balance both this and school, but now that the break is almost here, I think it could be fun to start writing again.
          So what is something that you guys would like to read? Make it as wild as you want. XD
          And do you like romance novels, friends novels (idk if this is even  a genre but it needs to be... w/o it having to be drama), dramas, or adventure? There are others so you can add those too if you want.


Has anyone seen the new Bible Buddies?! They're SO cute!
          If you're looking for a cute Christian gift for one of your friends! 
          I'm not affiliated with her (Hailey Julia) in any way, but I just thought that I could share them with you guys! 
          If you want to know more visit: https://mybiblebuddies.com/
          or go to her instagram account. :)


@Geekgirl531 IKKK, she's one of the best ones!


@DairyHouse356 Checking that out right nowwwww (I love Hailey Julia, she’s so funny!)


Also, I wanted to spread the word, because she's an amazing Christian influencer (I cringed by having to say that, but idk what else to call her/people who share the gospel on social media), and I'm pretty sure she only has a few of these, so hurry! <3


Unpopular Opinion (unless you are Christian... hopefully): The Bible is NOT full of contradictions.
          I just had this discussion with quiet a few of my classmates, and I've heard people say this before and it really bothers me.
          One Pastor who you've probably seen many times talking to college students/ random people on Youtube, Cliffe Knechtle, even mentioned once that when you ask people to give you an example of the verses that are contradictory, they can't.
          I just started reading another article where the author talks about a run-in with someone online in a forum who said the same thing, but could only copy and paste the alleged contradictions from google. 
          What do you guys have to say about this? 
          It annoys me that people take things out of context to reason (and sometimes elevate) their own unbelief, knowing that they haven't even read the scriptures thoroughly, or tried to understand them, in order to know what the verses actually meant.
          They just take verses literally when it suits them, and then try to conjure 'hidden' meanings from other verses to justify sin. I want to ask people who say that there are contradictions what those verses are so that I can help explain it to them, but I don't want to come off as rude.
          How do you guys do it? And if you do think the bible contradicts itself, what verses make it seem that way to you?
          This is an honest plea for help/ interest in your opinions and convictions.


@DairyHouse356 Makes perfect sense. The wolves, goats, among us is destroying the purity of we the lamb that try to be both doer and talker. I just hope unbelievers come across the real ones and not the hypocrites. 


            Honestly. I guess we have to really distinguish Christians by talk and Christians by walk. And we've all been Christians by talk at times in life, but I mean those who LIVE as talkers but not doers. 
            Maybe it's because some of the Christians who speak about other's sin, are not actively living for God either, so people find them unreliable. 
            It makes me sad that many unbelievers are pushed away from God due to the hypocrisy of some of us. Just goes to show that we as Christians need to be even more thoughtful and loving in our actions... as Jesus would want. :)
            Not sure if what I wrote made any sense, lol.


@EmmaHogwartsChb83 Hmm, I see what you're saying. Yes, sadly there is a lot of hypocrisy that comes from some Christians. I guess we're all (or at least most of us) trying to follow Christ. Like Christ said in Matthew 7:3-5, 
            "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye." 
            I guess what you're saying is that there are contradictions in the way many Christians live versus what they say they believe, which I can agree with. It shouldn't be this way, and I understand why some people are pushed away from Christ as a result.
            Thank you so much for sharing! <3


My Honest Opinion:
          Regular Spring Rolls are better than mini ones.


            HAHA, they're good, no doubt. They just need to be bigger. For some reason, I still feel like they taste different somehow. I don't know, maybe it's just the taste being enhanced by the satisfaction of a greater meal, but I feel like they don't match the level of yummy-ness that regular spring rolls do. XD


Hello again...
          I know, this is getting old...
          But I do have an excuse. *Cough* Grueling 4-week class *Cough*
          I will be having more time to upload and write more, as I've had to take a break from writing for almost a month to focus on my class [that ended], but now that my schedule is a lot less hectic, I'll be able to post more.
          Although not recently, I have worked on --and am now going to continue working on-- "Jennifer Stalin", so hopefully the next chapter will be coming out soon!
          Just bear with me please. I really have to plan out my time, but I'll stop letting you guys down. XD
          In the meantime, I'll definitely be posting more poems in the "Poems For the Lost" series, so if you haven't read the previous ones, you might want to do that first. :)
          Anyway, thank you so much for being patient with me, and I hope to start bombarding  you with my writing in the VERY near future!
          Emily <3


Guys, you should really go listen to JSteph's new album!!!
          It's so good!
          Some of my favorite songs are :
          -bound to break
          -already gone
          -do it afraid
          -i'm so happy that we broke up
          Literally, go listen to it now!!! :)
          Also, don't forget to take care of yourselves every day... just like Jesus does (and wants you to). Go look in the mirror and smile until you feel it. <3


And yes, he's a good Christian artist. :)


Sorry, the album's called MMXXII.