
Forgot to say this before I made my first and most popular story back in 2019 or 2020, meaning to anyone who adds my stories to their reading list, just be aware I will end up following you as a way of thanks for even bothering with my stories, or if you follow me then i will follow back, That's all i wanted to say, Much love and stay safe My Lovely Kittens<3


Forgot to say this before I made my first and most popular story back in 2019 or 2020, meaning to anyone who adds my stories to their reading list, just be aware I will end up following you as a way of thanks for even bothering with my stories, or if you follow me then i will follow back, That's all i wanted to say, Much love and stay safe My Lovely Kittens<3


This is to all My Lovely Kittens, I should be happy and grateful, Which I am...But also highly confused since I don't understand why I was able to have such amazing followers when all I do is create horrible and boring stories...Can someone please explain why...Plus if anyone wanted to know, I'm still working on story ideas and thinking of possibly bringing some stories back but I don't know of many story Idea's or how to continue them because of serious writers block...I'm sorry...I hope you all are doing well and taking care of yourselves and staying safe ok, And just remember, Even tho I may not be of much help, I will always be here for anyone if needed as this is considered a safe place ok...Much love and stay safe My Lovely Kittens<3


Hey, so My Lovely Kittens I've been gone for a little while and I'm thinking of new story ideas to write and have some stories I'm actually working on right now in drafts, also let me know if there are any of my stories you would like me to try and continue writing if possible ok, also to the people who celebrate Christmas, Merry Christmas My Lovely Kittens! and to the people who don't or celebrate other things right now, Happy Holidays My Lovely Kittens! and much love and stay safe My Lovely Kittens<3


How would you all feel if i posted a new book or whatever you wish to call it that isn't a story but like a slight update on life every now and again when i get down in the dumps or excited over something for example...meaning a thing when i also feel like i have no one to talk to or no where to turn for another example...kinda like a Lifeline...which is what i'm going to call it if it sounds like a good idea...much love and support and stay safe My Lovely Kittens<3


New story out called Who's Izuka?... check it out if you want to, just know it's going to be very depressing at the start and not like my usual stories either as it has more details...but anyways, much love and support ad stay safe and stay strong My Lovely Kittens<3