
Art for the next chapter is done :) Now I still need to finish writing lol


@Dablitfam23 take your time, greatness is worth the wait


@Dablitfam23 He's gonna spend like 3 months on it for maximum quality. HELL YEAH!!! CAN'T WAIT, BOYS!!!


There’s a new patrol story that has the same imagine of movie chase and movie skye and that you have and everytime I see it upload I automatically think it’s your story and I get all excited your the first fanfic that actually gets me super excited for new updates because of the sheer quality you put into your work so keep it up your doing a really good job


Art for the next chapter is done :) Now I still need to finish writing lol


@Dablitfam23 take your time, greatness is worth the wait


@Dablitfam23 He's gonna spend like 3 months on it for maximum quality. HELL YEAH!!! CAN'T WAIT, BOYS!!!


Wow, it has been almost 2 months.
          Yeah, so I have been pretty inactive and I really haven't gotten a chance to update Behind The Mask. Well, I did, but I used that chance to rest lol. So for anyone who is worried about that story not continuing, do not worry, I still intend to finish it, it'll probably just take a little longer. I had initially planned to end this story by the summer but considering that it's May now, it probably won't happen. From now on, I'm not gonna make predications or say when I will update a new chapter or when I even think the story will finish because some things will always change.
          Thank you all so much for your patience and I hope you all are still looking forward to the next chapter and thank you so much for your endless amount of support :)


It’s okay and don’t stress if you are feeling rushed Take your time you’ll need. All your chapters were so good and I mean perfect!✨


@Dablitfam23 I agree with chaseskase, but you really should take your time with it and do your needs before anything about the book/story


@Dablitfam23 Don't worry every paw patrol person here has been inactive in Wattpad. you're not alone.


Hi so I have a question my family are going on summer vacation sometime in July do you think the next chapter of behind the mask will be out by then if not that’s ok take however long you need im just wondering


Sorry if I sounded rude I’m not the best at wording things I was just wondering


You don’t even have to respond to this but my little brother is being a pest and he said he would leave me alone if I asked you his question which is since you said the next chapter of behind the mask is almost finished do you think you will be able to upload it tonight or sometime this weekend again sorry for asking you this but if it means he leaves me alone for a few minutes then that’s an easy choice


Thanks and sorry for having to ask that question


@TylerThompson752 well I'm obviously not gonna update it tonight nor do I think I'll be able to update this weekend. But you can reassure your brother that I am not dropping the story and the next update will come eventually. Again, I have no idea and I've made some progress during my spring break. I'm going to try and release an update this month so that's all I have to say :)


Yeah, last post was an April Fools joke. I'm close to finishing the next chapter, I just have to fix a few things up and work on the art :)


probably help you. :)


@Dablitfam23 also you heard it from me first
            that it was an April fools joke
            never gonna get me again


@Dablitfam23 *sigh of relief* yeah that would have been really good if it wasn't so emotionally impacting


Whether this is an April fools joke or not it’s been one heck of a story behind the mask could make me feel so many emotions happy sad angry surprised confused and even disgust and you still managed to make it all add up in a very creative and memorable story and while im sad that this story might not ever get to be finished especially when there’s only around 9 chapters left your personal life is always the top priority and if making fanfics makes your life harder and more stressful than I completely understand why you want to stop making new chapters but either way the main thing I want to say is thank you so much for writing not just the best paw patrol fanfiction that I’ve ever read but also one of the best fanfics I’ve ever read period you have great talent as a writer and I hope you have great success in whatever you do from here