
“Once is a coincidence, twice is preference.” - quote from a Star Trek story on AO3.


Black butler story idea (I know, shaking things up a bit)- Ciel, a young poor child is walking through town one day when he witnesses a hit and run. At first he’s horrified by the blood and screaming of the even younger victim, he wants to run but something catches his eye. Against his will, he pulls himself to the bloodied boy, getting a closer look at the object. A game boy advance SP, blue edition (if you know where this is going already I love you). His family being as poor as they are, he could never even dream of having such an expensive device. He looks into the boys eyes one last time, taking in his screams. He reaches down and takes the device, then sprints off home. What he didn’t know was that in doing so, he unleased a demon. A very thankful, very hungry demon. For you see, most demons are locked in hell, forced to play with old withered souls. But, every so often, when the right actions occur on the mortal plain, a window opens. When someone commits a sin, so heinous, to a dying soul it calls to the closet demon. If that demon is fast enough, they can leave hell and that’s just what happened.


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Ah fuck it, imma start writing it. Even if I don’t post it I need it outta my head.


I know I haven’t been doing a a lot of writing lately and it’s probably killing y’all that I’m not updating my shiz but I’ve been super into drawing lately. On my drawing app if done over like 100 drawings in these past few months XD if you wanna check it out (shameless plug incoming) I’m @DatDangerNoodle on IbisPaint.com 
          Love y’all and I hope you stick around till I’m worn out of drawing and start writing again XD


Or Danger_Noodle actually, the other one, while also my name on the app, doesn’t work for some reason XD


If y’all wanna read a good crack marvel book, why don’t you give this book by my alter ego, @treacherouspasta ,a try!
          “Thanos, a radical Christian, is trying to collect all 6 parts of the sacred Christian manuscript in the hopes of snapping all the gays away. Meanwhile, the queer-vengers and friends (with benefits) attempt to stop him. Will Thanos succeed in his mission? Will the Queer-vengers thwart him? There’s only one way to find out!”


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I came across an x reader book and they said forking instead of fucking... IF UR TOO YOUNG TO SAY FUCK UR TOO YOUNG TO WRITE PORN OF URSELF. PERIOD.
          I’d also like to say publicly that I’m not reading porn, I’ve just had to sift thru tons of it to find a good fluffy ship fic.


I don’t know if I posted it here already, since when I started this I was trying to be a bit low key, but I feel y’all would be into this. @PPPS_Official is a profile for any members of the peter parker protection squad that I made for fun. It’s kinda hitting off so I thought the peeps who read my peter Lokison book would like it.


Someone just slid into my dms and sent me omega verse porn under the guise of a “paranormal” original story and I’m honestly really upset. As some of you guys know I’m a minor and also a bit asexual so it really got to me. Like seriously, who tf does that?!?!?!


Yeah so watch out for LIANE_FEGLEY_1216


what the heck