I feel like Kell Maresh and Delilah Bard need to meet Kaz Brekker and Inej Ghafa . If that happened, my life would be complete.


I am angry. If anyone has read The Knife of Never Letting Go then you should understand my irritability.  WTF kind of cliff-hanger was that?!?! I am on a book-buying-ban! I can't go buy the next one! Why do you do this to me authors? Why?????!!!!!


I read twelve books in February...I feel so accomplished! Anyway...that's why I haven't been updating. (If anyone cared to know) Another reason is that I'm focusing on school. I HAVE been writing though, so I will update as soon as I can. 


An excerpt from chapter one of Silver and Steel:
          My heart was beating a thousand miles a minute. My nerves were about to get the best of me, and for the first time I was incredibly grateful to have inherited such a solid poker face. 
          I remembered my training. Back straight, innocent smile, steady hands, and controlled breath. Music was pouring out into the dark street, a slow and pulsing beat that made my bones vibrate. 
          Dear lord let this work. 
          The man was big, and looked like he worked for the CIA. God, he looked like he was trained to sniff out liars and fakes. He made me feel weak and frail, which was saying something. I handed him my card, thankful to see my arm was steady. 
          For about five second my heart stopped as he looked over the information on the small laminated card. "Go on." I almost couldn't catch my sigh of relief from escaping. 
          I couldn't get inside fast enough. When I got through the entrance small hands gripped my arms and yanked me into the darkness. 
          "Kayla!" my friend Sarah pulled me to the side, jumping up and down excitedly. "Your alive! I thought for a moment there that you were a goner...but hey! It worked."