
I'm probably gonna regret doing this but oh well..
          	1 question. 1 honest answer. You can ask me 1 question ( IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE ) about anything, no matter how crazy, dirty, publicly indecent, embarrassing or wrong it is. No catch, I will answer, but i dare you to post this on your profile and see what people ask you. :)


I think avatar (not the blue people) is great as well!! Whenever I talk about it to my friends they have no idea what I'm talking about because they only know about he blue people one! It's so frustrating! But yeah, I love all the same things as you!!!!!


I'm probably gonna regret doing this but oh well..
          1 question. 1 honest answer. You can ask me 1 question ( IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE ) about anything, no matter how crazy, dirty, publicly indecent, embarrassing or wrong it is. No catch, I will answer, but i dare you to post this on your profile and see what people ask you. :)


So did I.......


@Trevor032 lol I got bored..


Oh man, I can't believe I'm gunna do this.......


Stormy, I'm Really depressed too about this! 
          WE LOST 3 MEMBERS IN AN HOUR! First Adam, Then James/BlueMonkey, and Now Ty. </3 ;-;
          I SWEAR IF WE LOOSE ANYONE ELSE TONIGHT... I'll have to go to the fangirl hospital, for my fangirl will be smashed. Its already broken. ;-; </3


We lost...... Husky Mudkips!