
Oh, and also who ever is reporting my comment section on my books please stop. This is a pg13 profile and just because someone cussed in the comments does not mean you need to report it because I never said this was a kid friendly profile. So STOP BEiNg a LiTtlE sHelTeReD SnOWFlaKe.


          	  aHa dOn'T WoRRy I woUld NEveR bE a LiTtlE sHelTeReD SnOWFlaKe.


Oh, and also who ever is reporting my comment section on my books please stop. This is a pg13 profile and just because someone cussed in the comments does not mean you need to report it because I never said this was a kid friendly profile. So STOP BEiNg a LiTtlE sHelTeReD SnOWFlaKe.


            aHa dOn'T WoRRy I woUld NEveR bE a LiTtlE sHelTeReD SnOWFlaKe.


Mkayyy ppl. So...you know those super cute, adorable, funny guys. The ones that have a band? There names are Daniel, Corbyn, Jack, Zach, and Jonah. There bands name is....Why Don't We. I know your like why don't we what. Well that's their band name. And I want to start making books about them. I promise I will still write about Joey babe. But I rlly like these peeps so.....yeah stay tuned for books about them :)