"Your secret is safe with me. I wasn't even listening."

Welcome to my twisted imagination. Nice to have you. Permit me to tell you about myself. I live somewhere in your galaxy, most likely; I am a human (or am I?); I'm obsessed with books (including cartoons), Little Mix, food, and sleep; there's a chance I am under your bed spying on you. Take a minute to check. I'll wait.

Anyway, if there's anyone out there who uses Pixton, Glitterbox here. Everything here is just as crappy as everything there. So yeah.


Oh, and one out of every 65000 (yup, I'm a nerd. I did the math) of you will recognize one of my short stories on Murder, Making Out, and Music Class (once I publish it, that is). So yup. A few of you will know me. Or know of my existence, at least. So yeah.

Other information about me:
I'm a total introvert
I'm always tired
I always try to write a page or two per day, and so far I'm doing pretty well
I'm allergic to nuts, idiots, and exercise
Half my writing is intensely crappy b/c I had no inspiration for it whatsoever
The rest is intensely crappy b/c I can't write

Thank you for reading! If you have any suggestions for writing, please tell me. I'll try to accomodate. Have yourself splendillyrific day (props to anyone who got that reference).
  • Somewhere over the rainbow
  • JoinedNovember 28, 2019