Hey! Big release readers' request release on the weekend. Here's a few things I need you guys to do to help me. When you are typing in the "What's this story about" section, please clarify who "he", "she", and "them" are. (provide me with their names. Thank you for your support!
          	Click here to request! https://forms.gle/ZufaRE6V7qHyS1Rv9


Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for so long, I have mid-terms next week and after that... WINTER BREAK! I'm currently looking over all of your requests and I'm a but confused about a request. What is m/n? Could the person who included this in their request reach out to me and clarify? 
          USE THIS LINK TO REQUEST! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1dlhzrxAuDqTkiVYmmnutRv8Yd0VLGdmBMNcJN3JUuwI/edit?pli=1


I believe it stands for moms/name 


Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for so long. I have mid-terms next week and after that... WINTER BREAK! I'm currently looking over all of your requests and I'm confused about a request. What is m/n? When I searched it up online, it says "Mother's name" but in that situation, it would not work. Could whoever requested this reach out to me to clarify?


Hey readers! Any new requests for the readers request story? Please comment below or on the bottom of the latest story in the book! Thanks!


@D4RKST4R720 you know what nvm I misread you post completely


I'm sorry, what is naga wgo? I'm really confused.


Maybe, just depends on what the storyline is! Post your request at the bottom of my latest chapter of readers' request and I'll let you know! :)