
Hey Everybody! I'm Back! Tell me a story? I'd love to listen? I'll finally be uploading some of my works after editing! A couple of days and there we goo! Hope everybody enjoys! Thank you, for all the support! 


Luv u to 




Okay everybody my new friend, @grimreaperofdarkness has started a book with 5 chapters already up loaded. Can you all do me a solid and check it out! Please it would mean so much to the both of us!! I've read it and so far its amazing!!! If you agree then pass it on to your friends! Thx ;)


Hey also when you check it out can you plz comment to tell her if you like it or your oppinon


Plz follow my best friend Rissa_bunny   Shes new here on wattpad and I wana make her feel welcome! Love you Carrissa <3


@Rissa_Bunny anytime! Amd your more amazing than me! 


@CuteiiHearts24 I love you to thanks your amazing


Thx Everybody for the follows and follow backs! Im working on a new story. Right now I'm just working on ideas, plots amd stuff. If anybody has any ideas, I would love to work with you! Thank you all so very much! 
          You mit have been following my old account, and I use to start a book then delete it. But this account is going to be different. You have my word on it! I use to get really mad and upset cuz, I would see all of these other people with so many veiws and hearts, that I would get jealous. So I thought I wasn't good like them, but now I know most people dont like to read books when there not completed so that's what, I'm going to do!!! I'm not going to delete a book without giving it a chance! You know what I'm not going to delete them at all!!!! 
          If you have any suggestions for reads you can always message me! If you have any question! I'm always here on wattpad! So if you ever need anything, even if it's just somebody to talk to, for anything I'm here!!! 
          Btw's Im probably going to re~do, my bio, and my name! Love you all thx so much!