So this is my profile. Welcome.

First thing first, I am a girl, don't let my name throw you because seriously it's unbelievable the amount of times people have thought I was a guy.

As you can probably tell by my username, I'm a emo bunny, yup, you heard me, and apparently I'm cute (I'm really not)

I have been told (by many people) that I am weird but isn't everyone in a way. I obviously like reading and writing, I love anime and cartoons, blah, blah, other random facts.

Dear Bullies,

See that girl you called fat? She's starving herself. You know that old man you made fun of for his scars? He fought for this country. Remember that boy you laughed at for crying? His mother died. Next time you think about bullying someone, first think about what torture they could already be going through.

and that's it, I give you permission to leave, bu-bye :3
  • the darkness realm
  • JoinedJune 23, 2015
