
i hate my book


Haha lol I don't know if anyone is seeing this but I just wanna make this post because it's 4:30 am where I live and I haven't been getting musch sleep, half of it it's my fault and the other half
          My country (the Philippines) is currently under an earthquake and having a series of after shocks, there has been no school today a somewhat big either aftershock or earthquake of something point something, idk honestly I don't know how to get information. I also sleep with a celling fan. Above me every night so that's a heart attack haha. Idk anymore okay I wanna rest but I know I can't
          Bye people or who ever reads this


@Crystalkirsten update it's still happening I just experience another one yesterday on a Sunday 


I hate school. I hate test. I hate everything I wanna die. pray I will pass cuz if I don't then I will be transferred to the regular. So for people who wanted to go to a higher class but can't word of advice from someone who is in it all there life. Don't unless your really want to then sure but if your lazy like me then don't . I want to have a no stress day but the universe hates me. Welp this became a rant or vent idk