
I've seen Sonic 3 five times... I have a problem. 9.5/10 movie, tho
          	Also, first chapter of Book 3 of MCSM {Lukas x OC} comes out on the 25th!


Well I heard it’s good so I don’t blame you lol


Just curious. I just finished reading your Cloudy remakes and I loved and enjoyed them, when will you make a sequel that’ll explain the ending of the second Cloudy With Achance of Meatballs 2?


Like it was already published a year back


@TitanX557 dude, our author's done with the sequel, you can read it now


And other thing, (oh my God, I'm about to say it).
          You were born on 2005, and I was born in 2003! Girl, I'm like 2 years older than you!!! GIRL, WHAAAT!!! Ok, let's stop for a moment right there, this whole birthday talk makes my head fills so much questions waiting for an answer to come by, and... I'm lost for words.
          OK, I'll stop, sorry...


Hey-o, Crystal. It's me, your follower... and I hadn't noticed for awhile there.
          You were born on July 26th, right? Then, I was born on July 5th, then we have the same birthday month, like... mind blowing, but still confused.
          So, keep that in mind, just think about it in the meantime... I hope you will.


I know this is a day late, but Happy New Year! I have a lot planned for the coming months.
          She-Ra Book 1 being finished, the next book of Equestria Friends, and the biggest thing... MCSM Book 3.
          And I'll be announcing it here...
          First chapter comes out on the 25th! Be ready!


You know, I was randomly scrolling A03, and I came across a fanfic that plagiarised one of my chapters from one of my CWACOM books. 
          I don't know what series they took it from, whether it be the Twilight or Bella one, it doesn't really matter.
          I just find it funny that I wasn't even told about it, I just found it on my own at around 3 am.
          Now, while it is only one chapter out of their three-chapter story so far, I'm not angry. But if they continue taking from whichever book, I will be forced to call them out on here or message them to edit the chapter.
          I will not be saying the name of the book because, by the writing style, it seems that it could be a young teen writing it, so I don't want any harassment sent their way.
          (Also before you ask, I know it's my work because the words are one-to-one with mine, and I'm pretty much the only person in the fanfiction space who has written CWACOM books. There are a few, just not as popular as mine)
          But just to add here, please do not copy my books, I'm pretty sure it's obvious with that fact. They can inspire you, and I take no issue with that (just credit me if you take heavy inspiration from them), just please don't flat-out copy them. I put a lot of time and effort into these stories to not only improve my writing. but also give you stories to read.
          Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
          (One last thing, the next chapter of She-Ra is coming! I'll have it up before Christmas, don't worry. I'm planning on trying to get it done in the next day or so).


Alright everyone, thought I would give my December update for what's coming up so you all could be informed!
          First off, I'm 1/3 through writing the first episode of MCSM Season 2, which'll come out in late January, so that's heading down the pipeline.
          Second, the next book for MLP; Equestria Friends won't be out this year, but sometime in March. I'll be doing the three Magic Specials that will start releasing between March-April.
          Third is the first She-ra book, which I'll focus on next month. I kept promising to update, and I never do, but I plan to get two or three episodes down and finished next month so I can finish off the book before MSCM Season 2 comes out, but I highly doubt I can do that.
          Fourth, no Voltron book, but I won't start writing She-ra again until I finish watching it. (I only have like a week left until it leaves Netflix and I'm only on S4, help me!)
          Fifth and final, I'll be attending Uni/College next year, so there is a chance that updates might be slow for the MSCM book, but I do plan on trying to get at least two chapters out a month as best as possible. So, I just wanted to warn you all that update skips might happen. I don't plan on abandoning Wattpad for a long time, I'm gonna stick to it for the near future.
          Before I go, I want to thank everyone for the support of the two MCSM books, along with my other books. Just seeing your comments, votes, and all that truly makes my day brighter and continues to motivate me to keep writing.
          But, for now, keep dancing in the moonlight and keep making the UwU, bye for now!
          (Also, who's excited for Sonic 3? I hope they make a few Snapcube references in it. That would make it the movie of the year)