
Surprise I still exist! The F14 Tomcat is one of my favourite aircraft.


Everyday is exactly the same.
          Another note, I will no longer post messages on this board again unless I write something that's actually passable in basic quality. I would normally apologize but I dont think people really care at this point l o l


this message may be offensive
Fact of the day, a VPN ain't gonna fucking save you from your own stupidity nor will anti virus. It's very difficult to have unknowingly infected your system from just using common sense whilst online. 
          In fact your better off with built in anti virus protections wherever it be windows defender or just the android OS. Seen something of interest and had to say this.


@CrushFruits Its more or less a reply to something I have seen awhile ago. Some person was browsing the dark web stating they were worried their android got a virus because it freaked out for a few seconds and some guy said they should of used a VPN at the time and I was kind of like: "What!?" At the time.


this message may be offensive
Holy shit, if you guys haven't found out already (this could be a bit late lol) update your wattpad app and check settings. There is a toggle for dark mode!


@CrushFruits Yeah, 2 days late. My phone was having problems at the time so I couldnt see the message 'til today lol


Hi. I have began writing and I have ran into a realisation. I have been doing pretty terribly at writing so far on the story and I may have figured out part of the reason. The story so far is being based on the script like writing of ZoruaMof's and I have been struggling to convert it to story. This is also likely a waste since you would have already read the original and may just want to see the continuation.
          Would you like the story to resume from after the last chapter or should I continue as I am doing it. Keep in mind both options are not guaranteed even if voted for and I might go a certain way anyways.


@CrushFruits Thanks, will consider it.


@CrushFruits  Well I think you can go for your own will and it's yours to decide what outcome you want. I'm here still writing a non-canon continuation of Mithrain and it's my own decision to continue it because I'm curious to know how it got to the end I planned.
            Think of what is the best outcome you want and decide it there.


Hi. Would you people like a new chapter for Mithrarin Classic soon?


Okay. Thank you for the reply.


Okay, sorry for not updating quickly, this story won't have a strict update schedule since I am lazy. Expect an update to Mitharin Classic hopefully tonight in the London time zone. I have an idea or two for a fanfic but I will wait on that since I need to get chapters out for Mithrarin quite frankly.
          Quick question, should I do quick maybe once every few week announcements or should I do long ones and wait a bit to not spam your notifications?