
Hi, y'all! It's me again. 
          	I wanted to write this post to thank the people who have been reading my content since I started this account a year ago. (I know I'm late, but shh, just pretend I posted this yesterday-), and to update you guys on what will be happening with my content and my account in the future. 
          	Anyway, thank you to my followers (and casual readers) for all of your support. I am currently unsure if I'm going to keep posting on this account since my motivation is constantly running dry for Sanders Sides content, but who knows? I may return one day with content for a new fandom! Unfortunately, though, I can't presently make any promises. 
          	However, if I do decide to return one day, there won't be a schedule for my uploads. I will be posting whenever I have the time (and the means) to do so. 
          	For now, I will merely be a casual writer who just floats around on the internet.
          	With that said, I love you all, and thank you for supporting me and my hobby. <3


Hi, y'all! It's me again. 
          I wanted to write this post to thank the people who have been reading my content since I started this account a year ago. (I know I'm late, but shh, just pretend I posted this yesterday-), and to update you guys on what will be happening with my content and my account in the future. 
          Anyway, thank you to my followers (and casual readers) for all of your support. I am currently unsure if I'm going to keep posting on this account since my motivation is constantly running dry for Sanders Sides content, but who knows? I may return one day with content for a new fandom! Unfortunately, though, I can't presently make any promises. 
          However, if I do decide to return one day, there won't be a schedule for my uploads. I will be posting whenever I have the time (and the means) to do so. 
          For now, I will merely be a casual writer who just floats around on the internet.
          With that said, I love you all, and thank you for supporting me and my hobby. <3


          Ok, so, I promise I’m still alive and writing. But, the school year just ended for me, and with the end of the school year came an all-consuming hyperfixation on Genshin Impact that hit me like a truck.
          With that said, I have no clue when my next update will be, but I do have a half-finished WIP that will be posted once it has been completed and beta-read. So stick around for that, if you’d like!
          Oh, and one more question. How would y’all feel about me posting Genshin Impact fics on this account?
          Bye, again! I promise something will be posted soon-


Hey, guys! I'm just writing this to let y'all know that I don't know when my next update will be, but I do have a few works in progress that I'll be working on for the next few days. Fair warning: The next chapter in my one-shot book might be a little more angsty than usual, so I apologize in advance-
          Also: I'm taking requests now! If you'd like to request something, you can leave it in the comments of the most recent chapter in my one-shot book. I'd really appreciate it!