
Brand New story about one girl and her journey to finding the love of her life. Online.


Hey guys! Thank you for the love and support through Emotionally Unsteady Love but it's on hold for now until I find my notes. But I am posting a new story until then. Most of it was pre-written so it will be updated as frequent as I can. Hopefully twice a week. It officially starts this week. Today was the prologue/introduction to the story. Hopefully you guys like it.


I promise I'm coming back guys. I'm just bombarded with school work. College is really stressful. I swear I'll just start to wing it until I find my notes. So until then, the flash backs are going to be postponed until further notice. So I'll start typing the next chapter tomorrow. I love you guys! Thank you all so much for the amazing support!


I want to thank you guys so much for getting my story to 10.6K unfortunately I don't know when the next update will be. I've packed all of my belongings from my moms house and I misplaced my notes to finish my chapter. Of course I can wing it, but I don't want to end up creating crap if I do. So pretty please be patient. I promise you all that I /WILL/ finish this story.