
Also to clarify-
          	I still freaking LOVE my story and it is still probably one the creations of mine that I am most proud of thus far just because of how much it grew with me and how it eventually started to sound like a REAL BOOK that I would want to read even if I wasn't the author. It's just that actually getting on the computer and typing it all out has been hard to manage with the ten hundred other things I've been juggling this year. And believe it or not, the story is basically almost 'finished' (at least to me in my head) from purely just thinking about it often and building it from major event to major event. And I gotta say, there is a LOT in store with this project. It's just going to take a millennia to get all of that structure I have set into actual words.


Also to clarify-
          I still freaking LOVE my story and it is still probably one the creations of mine that I am most proud of thus far just because of how much it grew with me and how it eventually started to sound like a REAL BOOK that I would want to read even if I wasn't the author. It's just that actually getting on the computer and typing it all out has been hard to manage with the ten hundred other things I've been juggling this year. And believe it or not, the story is basically almost 'finished' (at least to me in my head) from purely just thinking about it often and building it from major event to major event. And I gotta say, there is a LOT in store with this project. It's just going to take a millennia to get all of that structure I have set into actual words.


Hey, just a quick message while I'm online if you are interested in the future of my works or me in general.
          Though I am working on "The Beast Below" when I have the time and inspiration, there are many factors that will prevent me from posting anything anytime soon anywhere on Wattpad.
          1) I want to make TBB the best that it can be and I won't rush my work just so that I can get content out
          2) I plan on just getting everything written for my story done and finished before publishing ANYTHING ELSE even if I get done with a chapter. I will just wait until my work is 100% complete and I am satisfied with the final product before posting it. If I do this when it is done, I will be able to post a chapter daily and keep people more interested instead of making you all wait so long that you forget what happens in between each chapter.
          3) I know I had the constant excuse of not posting due to my senior year of High School being top priority but now that I'm out of High School I now will have Freshman year of COLLEGE to worry about and focus on. Education will be my upmost top priority and I will just not have any time to creatively write except for maybe breaks if anything
          But yeah, I'm sorry to anyone who was looking forward to reading anything from me anytime soon on here pfft. I just will be on a super hiatus for a while until I have finished my story. I will be back eventually though, so just keep me in the back of your minds alright? Thank you if you read this whole thing and or you have been reading anything of mine for any amount of time ever. <3


Almost forgot but December marked my fourth year being on Wattpad! I can't believe it's been that long! I really  hope to get some writing done but with it being my senior year it's been hard finding time for working on my stories so don't expect any constant updates lol. Love all you dearies who are still sticking around ♡


Almost forgot but December marked my fourth year being on Wattpad! I can't believe it's been that long! I really  hope to get some writing done but with it being my senior year it's been hard finding time for working on my stories so don't expect any constant updates lol. Love all you dearies who are still sticking around ♡