
School's Out for the Summer ;-) 
          	Hoping your day has been Kind to you <3 Big Hugs


I didn't realize that if I don't get on the computer (which I hardly do cause it's not mine) then I don't realize that I have messages "face palm" I hate that I don't realize folks have messaged me ;-( I'm Sorry :-(  I read my stories on my cellphone :-/ 
          What Terrible weather we are having today <3 Hope your day is being kind to you :-) Hugs


Can't believe it got up to 73 degrees today :-( it's still suppose to be winter! Why oh why mother nature do you torture me ;-( I'm not ready for early spring cause that means early summer. I HATE SUMMER!!! ;-( Oh Well... it is what is is with this Northeast Texas Weather :-/ Hope your day is kind to you <3 Hugs