
I'm really happy to be back on this site - and getting stuff written coherently in ages. New stories should be published soon!


Thinking of starting a book of BVB preferences...would anyone have any suggestions? Don't wanna start one if I'm going by the amount of requests these days...
          Speaking of - does ANYONE have any requests? It's Easter and I'm bored af. Will doing anything except what I've already excluded in my bio. Someone PLEASE give me something to write, BVB or otherwise, smut or fluff, straight or not. PLEASE!


@Cried_More_More_More Can you do an Andley smut where Andy works secretly as a pornstar by the name of Dennis Westower and Ashley finds out? Ashley dom.


Does anyone know how old Will Gould from Creeper is? Need to know to prove I'm not weird...okay, not any weirder.


@Cried_More_More_More my bad were talking about a different person