
@MissCris Lol. xD Don't worry, I'm not gonna change it anytime soon. And I can't wait to read it! I bet it's going to be awesome! :3 


@MissCris Ah, sorry, I changed my username! Anyways, here I am. ^ ^ And I'm glad that you thought it was interesting! :3


@CrestfallenPrince Ah, yay I found you! Lol. I'm going to start working on the one shot you requested so please let me know if you change your name again before I'm done so I find you and dedicate the story to you :)


@MissCris How about a short vampire fic involving aristocrats, waltzing, and meeting a broody, but charming prince that is surrounded by rumors of actually being a vampire? 
          ( Not sure if you were looking for something specific. I'm sorry for being such a dork. x3 )


@SoulEaterluv that sounds interesting! I'm off to write!


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