
Legends says a bad bitch was born today ( aug 6)
          	Happy birthday to me and to all the August 6 babies out there <3 Continue on being a wonderful person and to live a good life :D


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My dissappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
          I would like to read a novel where the plot stays consistent. I red a novel which has made me hyped for quite a long time but after awhile when the romance started to increase the plot holes increased as well the former attitude of the mc that i very much liked just suddenly changed over night basically the mc was indifferent before which is quite rare since he wasn't acting like some kind of saint but then later on he became A MAJOR FUCKING SIMP
          Still I may conclude that i am dissappointed and my day is ruined .. so much for not sleeping just to read it.


@Crescentmin na spoil ka ren? Gagi drinop ko yung abandoned empress dahil sa katangahan ng leading lady tas sa major dissappointment 


@Crescentmin I've never been dissappointed in my entire life it's greater than when i got spoiled of the ending of abandoned empress


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Talk about a parkour when it comes to character development ... ! A parkour where the mc is at the very peak then he slipped cause of a convenient banana and he fell down cause why the fuck not