Hello, I'm Mike. I'm twenty-one years old and I'm working hard to become a published writer, as opposed to a writer with a private collection of Word documents on his desktop. So please, if you read my stories on here, leave any kind of feedback at all. Even negative feedback is helpful to me.

I usually write in the Fanfiction, Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Romance genres. I usually try to combine most together in one story.

My influences are: Joseph Campbell, Michael Scott, Brian Jacques, my Mom and George Carlin. They've all helped me tap into my inner muses and continue to help me to take in my life, with all the good and bad that come with it, and turn it into drive and inspiration. Thank you to each of them. I'm following my Bliss because of you!

I'm an old soul in a young body. I love writing because it's basically retelling the story that already resides in all of us, just with different faces and names, and it touches a primal part of us, a part we all share. Someday I hope my writing will inspire people, just as my favorite authors have inspired me. Even if just enough to get you to question, consider and marvel the world around you, or to chase your own dreams. No matter how high the star is, if you reach for it, you'll always end up in a good place even if you fall short. Be the best you can be. Even that will help make this a better world to live in.

"We're not on our journey to save the world but to save ourselves. But in doing that you save the world. The influence of a vital person vitalizes." — Joseph Campbell

You can also see my earlier and current Fan Fictions here: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1678839/The_Whispering_Wind

And check out Illustrations on some of my stories here:
  • JoinedMarch 20, 2010

Stories by Michael