
Hey Creators! We are back with a brand-new episode of Story School.
          	It's no secret that every writer wants their story to be a success, but what sets a story apart from the rest? The answer can be boiled down to three words: Immediate, Engaging, Commercial. These three elements are crucial for creating serialized stories that will keep your readers coming back for more, no matter what genre you write in. 
          	In our latest episode of Story School, we dive into these essential elements and teach you how to use them to make your story a hit.
          	Watch episode two now:
          	Catch you on the next episode!


Looking for a short but inspiring story? I got you! Meet the "Authentic Her" who has shaped many to be authentic like her. Witness how Hershey's played a role in her life!
          	  A short story entitled "Authentic Her" is now available!


Hi! If you're into teen fiction, you might want to read the story about being your truest self accompanied by the sweetness of Hershey's!
          	  A teen fiction story entitled "The Real Me, Unwrapped" is now available!


@Creators I have an idea for a writing project, but I'm not sure if it would be against wattpad policy. Don't know how to find out either. Anyone have any idea?


Holaa ¿Cómo están? Perdón por el spam.❤️
          Estoy promocionando mi primer novela. Es un romance adolescente que trata temas como la amistad, la familia y la vida universitaria.
          Te invito a leerla y si te gustó votes en ella ❤️
          Espero qué les guste, gracias por leer ❤️✨️



Historia basada en el antiguo Egipto.
          Contiene romance, humor, peleas, una guerra inminente y mucho drama.
          ● Un faraón ocurrente
          ● Una esclava que no se deja intimidar
          ● Y una princesa malvada y codiciosa
          son nuestros protagonistas principales.
          Si desean darle una oportunidad aquí les dejo el link. Disfrute su lectura y que tenga bonito día. シ
