
@niallersdirtymofo is my favorite person ever! If you are a hater I don't want anything to do with you! It isnt fare for you to write on her fan fic negative things about it when she hasn't done anything to you! It is your dumb fault if you don't like it to continue reading. It is like a car. Mandy is the driver and you are he passengers that took a risk in getting in the car. You could of declined and walked to said destination... and who knows, if the car crashes, it is still your faults for getting in the car. But guess what... MANDY, THE FOLLOWERS, AND ME will still be alive B!tche$ so stop hating! AKOTW & AKOTC is still alive and thriving!


OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU!!!!! hahaaha the way you put that is absolutely per-fect.... it really is like driving a car lmao thanks so much <3


@niallersdirtymofo is my favorite person ever! If you are a hater I don't want anything to do with you! It isnt fare for you to write on her fan fic negative things about it when she hasn't done anything to you! It is your dumb fault if you don't like it to continue reading. It is like a car. Mandy is the driver and you are he passengers that took a risk in getting in the car. You could of declined and walked to said destination... and who knows, if the car crashes, it is still your faults for getting in the car. But guess what... MANDY, THE FOLLOWERS, AND ME will still be alive B!tche$ so stop hating! AKOTW & AKOTC is still alive and thriving!


OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU!!!!! hahaaha the way you put that is absolutely per-fect.... it really is like driving a car lmao thanks so much <3


Heyy, would you mind checking out my fanfic's? It would be awesome if you left a comment and vote! Thanks :) You can read either, Opposites Attract or Together Forever :) x Nialler and Liam fics! Please help me get more readers! :) pleaseeeeeeee