I tried putting a profile picture. Wattpad doesn't like me, and rejected me.
I tried to look in the code of the website. Then I remembered I don't know much code at all.
So I just wrote this. Please forgive the default, generic artsy picture. I promise my profile pic will be much less well-shot photography.
Hi. My name's ********, and I won't reveal my name on the internet in case there is stalkers. So yeah. I used to be 2bestiesMC, but due to the tremendous amount of cringe on that account... (shiver), I decided to make a new one, in hopes to encourage others.
Also because even though when I was on my last account, I kept getting discouraged from the standard social media thing of, "nobody loves me, they're not reading my books." Pair that with my... err... problems from before (not depression. Ask anyone I know in real life, and they'll tell you I'm one of the most lighthearted people out there... probably), and it just goes to show why I stopped writing on Wattpad, and kept everything to myself. Wait... you don't have to read my books! Don't feel like you have to. I really couldn't care less if you read my books or not. I don't get my sense of worth from that anymore, nor other sources that... maybe I won't say on here.
Great segue to this. Alright, disclaimer time. I can be quite offensively honest at times. I personally find that refreshing, as you always know what the person actually thinks, but a lot of others probably don't. DISCLAIMER! Don't sue me. Because you'll lose since that's not a valid court case... I don't think.
I won't be poking a stick at anyone, just so you know. That's for my private Google Docs that aren't shared with anyone. Unless I show them to people. But on here, nope. That's not how I roll. Anymore. I did it once. That wasn't good. I'm sorry. But now I won't! I promise.
Please, unless I know you in real life, don't expect me to follow you. If you feel it's worthy, you can follow me, but don't expect a follow back.
  • JoinedAugust 23, 2017
