
Heya, its been a while.


As of recommended of me, to avoid plagiarism my content as of now should only be posted on WattPad, if I make an account elsewhere or a story of mine appears elsewhere and I don’t DIRECTLY state so HERE its someone stealing my content.


Hello my name is Adele and I like your story. 
          Sorry if i bother you um you can do reborn as Anthropomorphic Bunny in another world with powers and system ? 
          If you want i can tell you what powers the main character and also the name of the main character ?


I’ve hit 50+ followers so lets do that annoying thing all early content makers do and act all hyped about it whilst celebrating like I made 30 mil in 2 days.
          YOOOOOOOOOOOOO9! DANKA YALL FOR DE 50 FELLOWERASSSSSSSSsSs! WE FINNA CELEBRATE VIA- actually idk how I should celebrate but thx anyways.