
New story Published after three years of haitus so please hang in there with me as i try to get back into writing after finally getting out of the military hope you enjoy


New story Published after three years of haitus so please hang in there with me as i try to get back into writing after finally getting out of the military hope you enjoy


Lost my closest friend no my brother he may not have been blood but he was my family he sadly killed himself last week on tuesday. My unit held a memorial for him i got to meet his family but not how i thought i would he was a good man and an even better person i would follow that man through hell and back for the fun of it. So Hardy if you're still watching us from above first round is on you k? 


 Godspeed your  close friend  my dude 
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So sorry for your loss
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Yea yea I know I've been dead been going in and out of the field I hope everyone is doing okay Im getting back into writing just say a story and I will work on a chapter of it thank you! 


@TheDemonLordRimuru sure gi e me some time and I will put one out thank you!
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@ CowboyZombiez  if it's not too late, can you publish a chapter for umbra sacred gear story? 
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Here rest cowboyzombiez he write smart and dies a virgin


@amirulguys thanks the military dont give me much time to write but I am planning on making more chapters just kind of a tight schedule rn 
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Hello again sorry for my absence a lot has well happened in the past month. I know it gets annoying hearing the same words about most of my life but a chapter is almost complete you can thank going out to the field for almost 3 months for halting that but again thank you all who still support me through these rough times 


@CowboyZombiez Yay! It’s good to hear from you.
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