
Hey everyone, I'm messaging to say that I'll stop updating on this device, don't worry though, just go to cosmoking77, it has better writing and grammar.


So i read ur book, sorry it took awhile but as it comes to my own personal opinion its good at the betrayal and returning aspect. Though i prefer a more solo mc rather than one with friends all in all es not that bad. If it was me id change it to a no romance novel and jus have the book about the mc entirely but then that would be a somewhat boring and hard to pu off kinda book. 8/10 good job!!


@ItsWynter01 thanks man, I appreciate the words and believe it or not I'm actually going to make a percy jackson fic with those same things you wrote bro.


I'm sure if any of you who read my story have been wondering why have I not been updating...well I'm a lazy bum I'm sorry(not really).
          I've been playing genshin impact and kerping up with my school work(good news though I passed the first trimester yay.
          Don't worry I haven't forgotten any of you at all, I'll nake the newest cha soon.
          Thank you for your patience.