
After long last, guys... I finally updated something. Yes, it's not the WWFFY, but I hope you still enjoy~ x3


Hello, peeps!
          I put up a little notice on 'A Journal of Random Events' and I would really appreciate it if you could take a little look at that (only if you want to, of course) since it's kind of important.
          Also, there's a little surprise in there for all you 'Through Clouds of Steam' readers~


Come on, guys, not even one teensy bit of feedback? ;u; It would really help moi with the story~ ;w;


@Dagragorii Brilliant! So, that's two votes for escaping! 83 Thank you for your feedback, it is very much appreciated C:


@CosmicDust ⁽⁽ ◟(灬 ˊωˋ 灬)◞ ⁾⁾ Hi! It would be cool if ______ tried to escape!


Hello everyone!
          Okay, let me get straight to the point: I'm having a bit of trouble concerning how to progress with the next chapter... *twiddles thumbs awkwardly* ...BUT that is not why I'm writing this right now! Oh, no, no. On the contrary, what I'm trying to say is that the next chapter can go one either of two ways and I'm not sure which one would be the best way to go.
          So, that is where you guys come in! I'm going to let you guys decide your fate. *cue dramatic music* Okay, well... sort of.
          All I require is for you to do one simple thing, and that is to simply answer the following question: Following the events of the last chapter, would you, ______, take a chance and trust your life in the hands of the humans or try to escape?
          Let me know what you'd prefer and leave a comment! Or shoot me a message; either way is fine. I look forward to your replies!
          Stay awesome, everyone!


@TenchuandAnimeluver Haha, you and your Eli obsession... xD Awesome! So, it looks like everyone agrees on escaping! >:D It will be tough, but I'm sure the MC will manage~ ;3


@MistyWisty Awesome! Another vote for escaping! :D Haha, I personally love my fantasy stories to be realistic, too xD
            Anyways, thank you so much for your feedback! I really appreciate it~ :3


@CosmicDust I'm up for ______ escaping as well. Though if you're going for realism (I love realism ha-ha), ______ might decide to stay and try and communicate with the boys, seeing as they seem to speak her language so far. XD 
            But anyway, I like the idea of her escaping too. Like HoneyBear said that would show us her personality and the boys' reactions a bit better. :)
            Looking forward to reading another chapter!


          Thank you so much, you guys, I really appreciate your support C: And just so you know, I'm almost done with the next chapter so hang in there! I'll try my best to upload it as soon as I can but I'm not sure when exactly that will be.
          Anyway, thank you again, you guys! Stay awesome!


Hey, guys!
          Remember that very random, roundabout message I posted about my inactivity some time ago? Well, I decided to create a book for any other such random story ideas that I may have in the future, and that random story just so happens to be the first to be included!
          So, while you're waiting for the next chapter of "Through Clouds of Steam", why not take a look at that if you didn't already read it on my "Conversations" section? But even if you did, you could read it again! :D
          ...Such shameless self-advertising.
          Anyways, until whatever else I manage to conjure up~


Nander raised a questioning eyebrow, even though she couldn't see it. He had already guessed that he had managed to tick her off but couldn't care less as he waited for a trademark, pathetic comeback. "DEATH! KNOCKING AT YOUR DOOR, NANDER, IF YOU KEEP UP WITH THAT ATTITUDE!" Lou all but yelled, causing even more unpleasant feedback through the speakers. "...Oopsie. Again. Sorry, guys... But I hope you heard that, Nander!" she continued, in a failed attempt at an intimidating voice.
          "Yeah. Sure. Whatever you say," Nander replied, sounding bored.
          Clearing his throat at the awkward silence that had once again ensued, Mr. Mostly D's (aka Control-Panel) spoke up. "Say, Lou, seems like the signal has really cleared up, so now is the time to leave your message, if you still want to."
          "Oh. Right. Of course!" Just then, the transmission started going crackly all over again. "I won't--able to update--next year. Hopefully, chapter--should be up. I won't give up on you--promise! Thank you for all your support and--" And just like that, everything went silent.
          "H-hello? Lou? Are you there?" Mr. Mostly D's tried to reconnect but to no avail. With a sigh, he put down the pencil and picked up the piece of paper. "Well, I guess that's it for now. And all she really said was that she has limited... Inter-Net... whatever that is, and won't be able to update or contact us until... next year. That's... just bloody great." Screwing up the paper, he aimlessly threw it over his head with a groan.
          Just then, Ellison, who had remained silent until that moment, commented offhandedly, "Funny how the transmission was crackly when it was covenient for Lou."
          Both Nander and Mr. Mostly D's suddenly went wide-eyed as they, too realised just how true that was.
          Even Mr. Mostly C's seemed to have come to the same realisation at Ellison's words as his muffled shout, once again made its way through the closed door of the room. "WHAT?!"


@HoneyBearBear Haha, thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! x3 Not sure if I'll make it a regular thing but I might write more of these if I get the chance (and the inspiration) to write some, so keep a watchful eye on the horizon! ;3


@CosmicDust this was so funny to read! I'm adoring these characters and I'm dying to know who the mysterious other two are!!! I need a long update /cry
            but these are cute to read~ 


@TenchuandAnimeluver Haha, you're welcome~ ;3 They're quite an animated bunch when in the same room, it's quite fun to torment them >:3 I might write some more, after I'm done with the next chapter! :D