
Hey all!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
          	So i started a JARLOS Fan fic hope
          	You enjoy it 


I found this miraculous ladybug theory on Reddit
          So does Alya trust Lila or not?
          Startrain kind of threw a wrench into what Alya’s outlook on Lila is. Don’t get me wrong, it was cool seeing Alya put Lila in her place, but from what we’ve seen of their interactions in Season 3, it makes no sense.
          Alya DOES believe Lila’s lies. Even in ‘Ladybug’, which supposedly takes place after Startrain, we see Lila manipulating Alya when she’s doing detective work for Marinette, and Alya seemingly believes her again.
          Maybe Alya is doubtful of Lila because she knows Marinette is, or because maybe Alya knows Lila likes Adrien (although I doubt it since Lila wouldn’t let anyone believe she likes Adrien). Perhaps Alya didn’t let Lila wake up Marinette for those reasons, but I still think it’s inconsistent based on what we’ve seen


Fun fact about tennis
           The term "match" is used in many sports that originated in the UK, like cricket and boxing. In tennis, a match is a series of games, typically played as a best-of-three or best-of-five set format. Each set is itself composed of games.


This gives me an idea for the next chapter 
             “Searching a place to call home” 


Hey it’s like 1:05 AM when I’m writing this but I need to do this it’s kind of an authors note so umm you know my book “the one for me” right? Ya well a lot of Lukanette books I read Marinette has a sibling or gets a new sibling or something along the lines of that. This is just my opinion but I see Marinette as an only child so unfortunately I’m not gonna put that in my book  sorry  I just can’t see Marinette with a sibling so no siblings sorry anyways I’ve got a dentist appointment at 8:45 in the morning better go 
          Have a great day/night my Cookies  


@Cookiekitty2005 yeah I have seen a lot with siblings too and tbh was a bit hesitant putting one in my own story since I'm not really a baby person  lol,  but I thought it was a cute idea. I get that you want to keep her an only child.


Hey yall before I post my next chapter of my Lukanatte fanfic I’m going to tell you how I see Marinette and master fu’s relationship 
          I feel like Marinette's realtionship with master fu is simular to grandparent grandchild realtionship in bakrix Marinette's real grandfather had no idea she exsited he's also very cranky whre as master fu treats Marinette as if she's his grandaugther and he's very kind and caring to her and when the great gurdian came and started talking smack about master fu Marinette defened him ​