
Uploaded a new chapter of Nightfall!
          	Now if you'll excuse me, I've got an exam to take :/


          So yeah a quick explanation as to why I was absent and not posting for so long is because college has me busy from morning to night. (I kid you not I don't get home til 9-10 pm) So of course by then I'm just exhausted and the free time that I do have is for homework. Then school. Then sleep. Repeat.
          But I found ways to balance all this out by buying myself a dry erase calendar. I wrote which days I'll be writing and editing for what stories. ie Today I'm writing Nightfall, next Saturday is Avarice and BoBW, next Sunday BoBW and Nightfall. So on. I also have another little project I do as well (Unrelated to Wattpad) but I'm not too sure I wanna advertise it here. It's nothing dirty I promise.
          Overall I can't promise anything will be published this week. Maybe next week but who knows. Anyway big thank you for those that are reading and enjoying my stories! More chapters to come! <3


I know I've been really inactive lately but I have to put my focus on school first. However, the semester is almost ending in a few weeks and I have no plans to go anywhere which means I'll resume writing when my break comes up :)


Finally got to uploading a chapter! I'm preoccupied with schooling at the moment so I do apologized that the uploads seem to be on a yearly basis. Writing requires a lot of time on ones hand that I just don't seem to have. But none-the-less, I'll never abandon this site so please bear with me. As always I hope you are enjoying my amateur level writing! I'm no pro but you don't need to be one to have fun!


I wish everyone has a great holiday break. I'm going on vacation with my family so at that time no writing is going to be done or posted. I'll try to squeeze in a time to upload a chapter at the start of January.
          Live and let live!


So it is about 1 in the morning and I'm wide awake. Elections are coming up, so I thought I'd say a few things to followers or any visitors viewing my page regarding the elections:
          Some of us are excited about the upcoming election, and some of us not so much. We are all different, we all have differing views and opinions on different topics, so I'm not going to tell anyone who they should vote for because that just isn't fair. Vote base on your conscience and vote for whomever you feel is right for the presidency. It's your business who you vote for and no one should make you feel less of a person for voting for someone that they didn't go with. It's your right as an American citizen and a citizen to a Democratic nation.
          For those not voting or are voting third party, don't ever let someone guilt trip you for choosing the alternative for that is also your right in a Democracy. Voting should never be forced and you most certainly should never feel retributed for choosing a third option. We never chose these candidates, they were chosen for us. Just go with whatever your heart tells you.
          I know when in Wattpad, politics is usually the last thing people want to think about but I just thought now was a good a time to write this. Vote, or don't vote, to your hearts content and please don't fret too much on who win. Just keep on shining and live and let live!