
Heya! It's been a while since I posted last and I'm about to update Seeing through the Trauma. Because it's been so long if you don't remember what happened please re-read the last chapter so you're not confused on what's going on.


@ Connor345  Hi how are you doing?
          	  What do you think about Thino?
          	  What if Thino shows his invention the rattle to Caveman MK and the others as she gives to Ugya while she was looking at the rattle and start shaking it making her giggle and start shaking it more faster ending up hitting herself on the forehead and start crying as Thino laughs nervoursly at the prehistoric group?


Heya! It's been a while since I posted last and I'm about to update Seeing through the Trauma. Because it's been so long if you don't remember what happened please re-read the last chapter so you're not confused on what's going on.


@ Connor345  Hi how are you doing?
            What do you think about Thino?
            What if Thino shows his invention the rattle to Caveman MK and the others as she gives to Ugya while she was looking at the rattle and start shaking it making her giggle and start shaking it more faster ending up hitting herself on the forehead and start crying as Thino laughs nervoursly at the prehistoric group?


Hi everyone! 
          So first off thank you to everyone who's been worried about me, coming back and seeing so many messages and concerns was really sweet and I appreciate it. 
          Secondly, I apologise for the very long period of absence. I won't get into it here because it's very personal but I've been dealing with grief very poorly the past few months and have really only just started trying to get back into actually doing things again. 
          I haven't done any reading or writing in a while, so while I do plan on starting up my two books again it may take a little while and I'm probably gonna have to re-read them both first cause I don't really remember where I was and stuff so please be patient with me. 
          I also may just lose motivation every now and then so I probably won't be all that consistent for a while but I will try.


@Connor345 hi :D, ey your finally back! 


@Connor345 I'm happy to hear you're okay!! Please take time to yourself before you worry about your books again, we all can wait ^^


@Connor345 Omg ur back!
            Ofc we'll wait just glad that ur okay!!


Hello, I hope you're doing well. I was wondering if you'd be interested in doing a story request. Now, I won't get into detail about the request here because I'd prefer to discuss it in private, so I was wondering if you maybe have Discord where we could talk if you'd like to hear about this idea. If not, that's alright, and I'll understand, but if you do, you can find my Discord username on my profile. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope you have a great day/night.
          PS: Sorry if I bothered you.