
I deleted all my books. I know it's so cruel of me to take such a step but tbh i lost interest in writing fanfics. I'm no longer so obsessed and life dedicating to 1D like i used to. That doesn't mean that i hate them or anything they're still my favorite band and I love them and their music. It's just that I found other things more interesting in life than fangirling over a boyband. As i said before i am now a college student. My life has been so crowded lately. That made regular updates to me almost like a mission impossible. But anyway I won't stop writing. I'll just change my writing style and the topics. I won't write anymore fanfics i'll stick to writing mature novels instead. I apologize to all of those who were expecting my updates i am sorry if I disappointed you guys. I understand if some of you unfollowed or even sent hate but I really tried to resume writing and I failed. Every time I had this massive writer block and it became really frustrating. 


DUDE!!!!!! You can't do this!!! It's okay if you don't update or continue "Fame".... Just please bring it back!!!! The chapters that you'd written were good. I don't want more chapters, I just want the previous chapters!!! PLLLEEEEEEAAAAAAAASE......


I deleted all my books. I know it's so cruel of me to take such a step but tbh i lost interest in writing fanfics. I'm no longer so obsessed and life dedicating to 1D like i used to. That doesn't mean that i hate them or anything they're still my favorite band and I love them and their music. It's just that I found other things more interesting in life than fangirling over a boyband. As i said before i am now a college student. My life has been so crowded lately. That made regular updates to me almost like a mission impossible. But anyway I won't stop writing. I'll just change my writing style and the topics. I won't write anymore fanfics i'll stick to writing mature novels instead. I apologize to all of those who were expecting my updates i am sorry if I disappointed you guys. I understand if some of you unfollowed or even sent hate but I really tried to resume writing and I failed. Every time I had this massive writer block and it became really frustrating. 


@Niyo_1D Please bring "fame" back!!!! Don't continue if u dont want to, just get the old chapters  back..... PLEASE..... <3


Omg!! I can't believe you updated, finally!I love you so so so much and I missed you so so so much anyway how did you doin your exams ??


awww babe tahnk you so much I love you so much too :* I did well in my exams. just waiting for my final results to come out :)