
          	Because of how inactive I am on Wattpad, I am moving to Archive of Our Own.
          	Everything on WP will no longer be updated. On the off-chance I return, I will make another announcement here and put it in my ao3 bio. That chance is incredibly small however, so don't count on it.
          	Any art relative to my works will be linked accordingly in their ao3 posts. I know reading my work without art directly embedded into the posts will be a little different for most of them, but they can still be enjoyed and I will write character bios in the best detail I can.
          	All my work is in the process of being reposted. Small revisions will be made as necessary, but Diretale's chapters may have larger revisions than the rest of my work. The main story for that will not change.
          	I know only a few people who follow me here are still around, but I want to thank you guys and every single person who has read my works. I appreciate you so much. See you on the flipside!


          Because of how inactive I am on Wattpad, I am moving to Archive of Our Own.
          Everything on WP will no longer be updated. On the off-chance I return, I will make another announcement here and put it in my ao3 bio. That chance is incredibly small however, so don't count on it.
          Any art relative to my works will be linked accordingly in their ao3 posts. I know reading my work without art directly embedded into the posts will be a little different for most of them, but they can still be enjoyed and I will write character bios in the best detail I can.
          All my work is in the process of being reposted. Small revisions will be made as necessary, but Diretale's chapters may have larger revisions than the rest of my work. The main story for that will not change.
          I know only a few people who follow me here are still around, but I want to thank you guys and every single person who has read my works. I appreciate you so much. See you on the flipside!


Announcement: side account! @coyoteroad
          Earlier this year, I logged in with the wrong email and accidentally got into my first account. I forgot I even had it, and I would have used it instead of making this if I remembered it. Why didn't I login with my username? I don't know.
          I didn't want to just leave it there, so I decided to make it into a side account! It's where I'll be posting unfinished projects. If you like my Gorillaz stories, you'll find a lot of Gorillaz content there!
          I'm posting things there as we speak. Go check out the account above!