[Freddy/FredFred/Fruity]-[agender]-[they/them/their pronouns]-[bisexual]-[attracted to similar genders and different genders]-[is a precious cutie]

Hello! I'm a bisexual agender who spends most of their life on the internet! I am a proud member and supporter of the LGBT community.

I love to write stories, and draw, and listen to music. (Some of my favourite bands/singers are: Panic! at the Disco, Three Days Grace, Paramore, Crywank and Andrew Jackson Jihad.)

My friends here on Wattpad are @Jerzafan11 and @Lady-Portugal, so go check them out!

I'm pretty friendly so feel free to come chat with me on Kik or PM me on here. My Kik username is 'TheMaritimesRP'.
  • In their own precious cutie world
  • UnitJanuary 21, 2015