
Anyone else interested in following my new account? Message me if so! Not sure how many more times I’ll be on this account!


Not gonna lie, I'm scared shitless rn. I hope all y'all who will be effected by hurricane Harvey will be alright. ;~; we keep getting tornado warnings in my area so I'm pretty shook...


@daddyFlorida ah I see
            Honestly I think I was too young to remember Katrina


Guess who lives in Texas near the coast :))) 
          I'm not gonna do much be effected by the actual hurricane so much as the rain but d a m n  i t
          Anyone who's gonna be effected by Hurricane Harvey, please stay safe! Make sure that you and your family and your pets have enough supplies to last y'all at least through the week! And don't go out unless absolutely necessary! 
          Be really careful and I hope y'all will be ok.