
Hey guys, ummmm sorry if our profile looks weird for a little while, I was trying to change my username because I was originally Cassie303 and now I'm Sarah4eva but when I deleted it, it wouldn't let me type in the correction even though I had characters left, so ummm excuse me while I take a hammer to my computer, kk? 
          	~Sarah! Stay Beautiful/Handsome.... As if you had a choice...


@aglog108 Aw aw! Thank you so much! Me and Sarah worked quite some time on it one night and found ourselves laughing a lot! Read it whenever you have time, there's no rush; we just love hearing that people are reading it! It was just a silly idea we came up with one night, nothing serious.(: 


So I'm knew to wattpad! May I just say: Lovin' the page so far!!!!!! Combination of my 2 fav singers/musicians! I will read as soon as I can but from what I've seen PERFECTION!!!!!! Keep up the good work!!!!!!!


Hey guys, ummmm sorry if our profile looks weird for a little while, I was trying to change my username because I was originally Cassie303 and now I'm Sarah4eva but when I deleted it, it wouldn't let me type in the correction even though I had characters left, so ummm excuse me while I take a hammer to my computer, kk? 
          ~Sarah! Stay Beautiful/Handsome.... As if you had a choice...


Hi guys! Megan will be at camp for a week and while she is gone I want you guys to go to her profile and post a nice comment! I want her message board to be flooded with compliments about her! She has been going through sort of a rough time and she deserves to be told a thousand times about how awesome she is! Just be simple and creative and say what you love about her or her writings. It would mean the WORLD to me. PRETTY PLEASE WITH COLTON DIXON ON TOP! :D Lol ;)


AHH! No. Way! I love Colton! I went to his concert in Orlando FL no too long ago at a small church and we drove down there at like 4 AM in the morning only to be the only ones waiting in the parking lot for eight hours. XD haha. Oh! Did you watch American Idol and see Angie sing "Never Gone" ?? She rocked it!